Vandalia native Mark Langston, who brought his business back to his hometown 16 years ago and has continued to expand and grow during that time, was honored on Thursday night by the Kaskaskia College Foundation as their 2019 Entrepreneur of the Year. Langston and OctoChem General Manager Denny Grant both talked about the business and how it has grown over the year and is one of just 10 companies in the world that does their specialty work of moving specialty chemicals and many other products all over the world. Langston says he is truly honored to receive this award and thanked all the people that he’s worked with over the years. Langston says he started his business back in 1995, came to Vandalia 2003 and has expanded twice since that time. But, he says the start was not an easy one. And, we are going to hear much more about that coming up on Monday during NewsCenter.